Black Diamond Armory Crate
Subscribe Monthly
Subscribe monthly to receive an assortment of gun parts, accessories, tactical gear, apparel, and more! Mailed to you monthly, this is a great way to get a ton of gadgets and gear that you didn't know you needed.
Each box is sent out towards the end of the month, unsubscribe at any time, resub any time.
Overview of the program
Each month we will put together an Armory Crate (it will really just be a USPS box) full of AR15 parts, EDC tools, apparel, and other firearm related products, then we will mail them to your door! They will be semi-randomly chosen trying to get a few things from a few different categories. One month might be mostly AR parts with a fancy knife, while another month might be a multi tool, hoodie, charging handle, and maybe a conceal carry belt. We will strive to only include practical products that make sense. While you may not go out and purchase any particular product by itself, we hope you will be pleasantly surprised to get something you didn't know you needed.
Short term goals
For the first 6 to 10 boxes we will focus on mostly AR15 parts and carry related products, ideally we will be sending out enough parts to put most of an AR together. Lower, barrel and BCG probably wont make it into a box, sorry, but a half off coupon for one might find its way in.
Details of how it works
Jumping into the details more, we will be sending the Armory Crates out in the last week of each month. This will be a paid monthly subscription, you may start and end the subscription at any time, if you were to start the subscription during the last week of a given month, you will receive that months Crate however it will probably be delayed, no big deal. Cancel any time, if you pay for a month, you get the crate, simple as that.
We will have one subscription level to start with, at $89.99 per month, keeping it simple for us to get in the groove. After a few months, and especially if this new venture takes off, we will be offering different levels of subscriptions with more or less price which means more or less goodies in the box.
What do you get for your $89.99 per month? We guarantee each box will contain items valued at between $100 to $140. Please know this up front as this is the only compromise we ask for: you can't pick what you get, we won't be doing trades on items you get, nor will we do returns, but you will for sure get everything at a great price. We would however be very happy to take suggestions!